Running Java 17 on High Sierra for Minecraft Spigot

Support for openjdk through Brew is getting sketchy on Mac OS X High Sierra (and understandably so). I have no reason to upgrade and so I found a way to easily run Java 17 to keep my Spigot Minecraft server running.

  1. Go to

2. Grab the tarball (not the dmg)

3. Create a directory called ~/java17

4. $ tar xvf .tar -C ~/java17

5. Create an alias to call this version of java. I created an alias like this:
alias java17=’/Users/awesome/java-17/jdk-17.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java’

6. Start Spigot the way you normally would (I don’t use any arguments, it never seems to make it run better)
$ java17 -jar spigot-1.18.1.jar –nogui

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